Bach Flower Advice

Bach flowers mix 71

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What type of stress do you have?

What type of stress do you have

A certain amount of stress in our lives can actually be beneficial. Stress keeps us alert and operating at the top of our game, and usually you’ll barely even notice this feeling. Stress can provide a sudden burst of energy so that you can catch your bus, or it can enhance your senses so that you notice, remember or learn more. It’s when you feel noticeably stressed that you need to worry. Too much stress and you may end up with a range of physical or emotional symptoms that grind you down and make you feel unwell.

Unhealthy stress is the sort that dampens down your appetite or conversely makes you eat more. It makes you tired and irritable, unable to sleep and snapping at friends, family and colleagues. It gives you an upset tummy or makes your blood pressure soar, and it is the cause of all manner of health problems.

It is helpful if you understand exactly what type of stress you are suffering with. Psychologists label different types of stress in different ways, so take our test and then read up on your result.

Take the test!

You are agitated

a) After exercising
b) When stuck in traffic
c) When you’ve forgotten your purse
d) Because you are extremely worried about something

You notice you’re short of breath

a) After you have been out for a run
b) When lying awake in the early hours
c) When you can’t find your mobile
d) And feeling panicky

You feel out of control

a) If you haven’t exercised
b) If your washing line breaks
c) If you haven’t left enough time to get where you’re going
d) And see nothing you can do to change your situation.

You can’t concentrate

a) Until you’ve had an energy drink or smoothie
b) Until you’ve had a coffee
c) Because you’ve got too much to do and no time to do it
d) Because you can’t stop worrying about everything

Life is…

a) Great!
b) OK! It keeps me on my toes.
c) I need a holiday.
d) Exhausting.


If you answered mostly A’s, the chances are that you have ‘eustress’ which is a kind-of good stress. You will feel nervous or excited because you are doing something you enjoy, like exercising or attending an event or concert. Your pulse will speed up. You do not feel afraid or fearful.

If you answered mostly B’s, then you may have acute stress. This is extremely common because we all live such busy lives, and balance the pressure of home, family and work. Acute stress is fine if you are only experiencing it in small doses because it helps you to be more efficient. Too much acute stress can be exhausting, but a small amount can be quite exhilarating. There is little chance of long term damage to your health. Your most likely symptoms are anger, irritability, some anxiety or mild depression. You may have muscular pain, tension headaches or mild stomach problems.

If you answered mostly C’s, then you may be suffering with episodic acute stress. This means you feel stressed more often than is good for you. It may be that you are very disorganised or that you just have too much to do. Perhaps you’re always running late. You will be worried, or perhaps fearful, short-tempered, irritable, anxious and tense. You may be aggressive, impatient, and sometimes hostile or attract hostility. You may suffer with tension headaches, migraines, hypertension, chest pain and heart disease.

Those who answered mostly D’s are likely to be experiencing chronic stress which is the worst kind of stress. You may feel very bleak about your present and the future. You may see no way forward. At its worst chronic stress can lead to a deep depression. You are not functioning anywhere near your best and may be experiencing health problems. You feel ground down by life.

Manage your stress

Stress is largely unavoidable. You may be able to manage your own stress if it is not too severe, but for serious cases you should always seek out a specialist opinion and help where required.

Created by Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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What type of stress do you have?

What type of stress do you have?
What type of stress do you have

A certain amount of stress in our lives can actually be beneficial. Stress keeps us alert and operating at the top of our game, and usually you’ll barely even notice this feeling. Stress can provide a sudden burst of energy so that you can catch your bus, or it can enhance your senses so that you notice, remember or learn more. It’s when you feel noticeably stressed that you need to worry. Too much stress and you may end up with a range of physical or emotional symptoms that grind you down and make you feel unwell.

Unhealthy stress is the sort that dampens down your appetite or conversely makes you eat more. It makes you tired and irritable, unable to sleep and snapping at friends, family and colleagues. It gives you an upset tummy or makes your blood pressure soar, and it is the cause of all manner of health problems.

It is helpful if you understand exactly what type of stress you are suffering with. Psychologists label different types of stress in different ways, so take our test and then read up on your result.

Take the test!

You are agitated

a) After exercising
b) When stuck in traffic
c) When you’ve forgotten your purse
d) Because you are extremely worried about something

You notice you’re short of breath

a) After you have been out for a run
b) When lying awake in the early hours
c) When you can’t find your mobile
d) And feeling panicky

You feel out of control

a) If you haven’t exercised
b) If your washing line breaks
c) If you haven’t left enough time to get where you’re going
d) And see nothing you can do to change your situation.

You can’t concentrate

a) Until you’ve had an energy drink or smoothie
b) Until you’ve had a coffee
c) Because you’ve got too much to do and no time to do it
d) Because you can’t stop worrying about everything

Life is…

a) Great!
b) OK! It keeps me on my toes.
c) I need a holiday.
d) Exhausting.


If you answered mostly A’s, the chances are that you have ‘eustress’ which is a kind-of good stress. You will feel nervous or excited because you are doing something you enjoy, like exercising or attending an event or concert. Your pulse will speed up. You do not feel afraid or fearful.

If you answered mostly B’s, then you may have acute stress. This is extremely common because we all live such busy lives, and balance the pressure of home, family and work. Acute stress is fine if you are only experiencing it in small doses because it helps you to be more efficient. Too much acute stress can be exhausting, but a small amount can be quite exhilarating. There is little chance of long term damage to your health. Your most likely symptoms are anger, irritability, some anxiety or mild depression. You may have muscular pain, tension headaches or mild stomach problems.

If you answered mostly C’s, then you may be suffering with episodic acute stress. This means you feel stressed more often than is good for you. It may be that you are very disorganised or that you just have too much to do. Perhaps you’re always running late. You will be worried, or perhaps fearful, short-tempered, irritable, anxious and tense. You may be aggressive, impatient, and sometimes hostile or attract hostility. You may suffer with tension headaches, migraines, hypertension, chest pain and heart disease.

Those who answered mostly D’s are likely to be experiencing chronic stress which is the worst kind of stress. You may feel very bleak about your present and the future. You may see no way forward. At its worst chronic stress can lead to a deep depression. You are not functioning anywhere near your best and may be experiencing health problems. You feel ground down by life.

Manage your stress

Stress is largely unavoidable. You may be able to manage your own stress if it is not too severe, but for serious cases you should always seek out a specialist opinion and help where required.

Bach flowers mix 71: Stress

Bach flowers mix 71 helps to:

  • Remove irritability as a result of stress 
  • Solve the nervousness typical to stress 
  • Reduce the anxiety attacks 
  • To be able to concentrate better 
  • Prevent from going into dejection as a result of stress
Discover how Bach flowers mix 71 can help you
Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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Tom Vermeersch

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