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How to relax completely

How to relax completely

You're on holiday: your body's on a lovely sunny beach where you should be feeling relaxed. But your mind's still stuck in work mode, stressing about all the things you should have done before leaving and what you'll have to do when you go back. What a waste of your precious holiday time!

Does this scenario sound familiar? Unfortunately, with today's 24/7 "always-on" lifestyle, increasing numbers of us find it takes longer to switch off and feel relaxed after a day's work or when taking a holiday.

But making time for relaxing is essential to keep your mind and body healthy. We all need time for ourselves to help us deal with life's challenges. If you're feeling stressed, Bach Flower Mix 71 can help you to relax and feel less anxious and irritable so that you can enjoy your time off.


Quick and easy relaxation techniques

We've rounded up a few tips to help you relax completely and make the most of your time off. All it takes is five minutes every day: if you can carve out this time for yourself, it's easy to fit a simple relaxation technique. Here are some effective strategies to try:

1. Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are an effective way to feel calm and relaxed whenever you need to de-stress.

  • Find somewhere quiet to sit or lie down, whichever is most comfortable
  • Breathe in while you count to three
  • Breathe out while you count to three
  • Put one hand on your belly and feel it rise and fall with each breath.
  • Repeat at least five times, or carry on longer until you feel calm

2. Tense and release

Mental stress often leads to physical discomfort - tension can accumulate in your shoulders, lower back or jaw, or you may find you get headaches. If you can get rid of physical stress, you'll instantly feel calmer. Try this strategy:

  • Lie flat on a bed, yoga mat or rug.
  • Tense the muscles in each part of your body at a time, then release them slowly.
  • Start with your toes and feet, then gradually work up through the other parts of your body until you feel totally relaxed.

3. Write down your worries

Writing down worries and fears helps many people to relax. When you feel stressed, write down your thoughts and feelings. Keep a special notebook or journal, use a notes app on your phone or simply write your thoughts on a scrap of paper and then throw it away. Expressing your thoughts will release some stress and help you to feel more tranquil.

4. Feel gratitude

When we're stressed, we often feel negative and forget everything we should be grateful for. So every day, think of three positive things that happened to you. They can be small things, such as coffee in the garden, a chat with a neighbour or a walk at lunchtime. Write them down. Making a list of all the good things in your life will help you to replace negative thinking with positivity and optimism and drive your cares away.

5. Visualise a relaxing place

Sit quietly where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and imagine a place where you've always felt the most relaxed and calm. It could be on a beach, in a forest or at a cosy fireside. Now visualise the details that you remember using all your senses: sound, sight, smell, taste and touch. For example, if you think of a comfortable, firelit room, you might imagine the scent of flowers, music softly playing, the taste of a cup of tea or a glass of wine, the feel of a soft cushion behind your back. The deeper and more detailed your visualisation, the more you'll relax.

6. Connect with nature

Research shows that spending time in nature is an effective way of calming down. When you're stressed, one of the easiest and most effective ways to relax is to go outside and connect with nature, even for just a few minutes. Look at trees and flowers, listen to the birds and feel the breeze on your face. And you don't always have to go outside to feel nature's soothing effects. Watching a TV programme about animals or gardening, or just looking at images of greenery on your screen can also help you de-stress.

7. Kids need to relax too!

Relaxation isn't just for adults; children and teenagers also feel stressed at times. If you think your child is tense and needs help to relax, teach them some of these strategies, or practise them together.

Make time to relax every day

Stress is inevitable in your life, but you don't have to let it get the better of you. Instead, take control and learn how to relax.

If you're still struggling to chill out, it might be time to look at the bigger picture and consider whether there are elements in your life that you need to change. Relaxation should be an integral part of your daily routine rather than a challenge!


Created by Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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How to relax completely

How to relax completely
How to relax completely

You're on holiday: your body's on a lovely sunny beach where you should be feeling relaxed. But your mind's still stuck in work mode, stressing about all the things you should have done before leaving and what you'll have to do when you go back. What a waste of your precious holiday time!

Does this scenario sound familiar? Unfortunately, with today's 24/7 "always-on" lifestyle, increasing numbers of us find it takes longer to switch off and feel relaxed after a day's work or when taking a holiday.

But making time for relaxing is essential to keep your mind and body healthy. We all need time for ourselves to help us deal with life's challenges. If you're feeling stressed, Bach Flower Mix 71 can help you to relax and feel less anxious and irritable so that you can enjoy your time off.

Bach flowers personal mix

Bach flowers personal mix:

  • Personal combination
  • Based on your symptoms and character
  • Bach flower remedy personally selected by Tom
  • Fast and good results
Discover how Personal Bach flowers remedy - Wizard can help you

Quick and easy relaxation techniques

We've rounded up a few tips to help you relax completely and make the most of your time off. All it takes is five minutes every day: if you can carve out this time for yourself, it's easy to fit a simple relaxation technique. Here are some effective strategies to try:

1. Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are an effective way to feel calm and relaxed whenever you need to de-stress.

  • Find somewhere quiet to sit or lie down, whichever is most comfortable
  • Breathe in while you count to three
  • Breathe out while you count to three
  • Put one hand on your belly and feel it rise and fall with each breath.
  • Repeat at least five times, or carry on longer until you feel calm

2. Tense and release

Mental stress often leads to physical discomfort - tension can accumulate in your shoulders, lower back or jaw, or you may find you get headaches. If you can get rid of physical stress, you'll instantly feel calmer. Try this strategy:

  • Lie flat on a bed, yoga mat or rug.
  • Tense the muscles in each part of your body at a time, then release them slowly.
  • Start with your toes and feet, then gradually work up through the other parts of your body until you feel totally relaxed.

3. Write down your worries

Writing down worries and fears helps many people to relax. When you feel stressed, write down your thoughts and feelings. Keep a special notebook or journal, use a notes app on your phone or simply write your thoughts on a scrap of paper and then throw it away. Expressing your thoughts will release some stress and help you to feel more tranquil.

4. Feel gratitude

When we're stressed, we often feel negative and forget everything we should be grateful for. So every day, think of three positive things that happened to you. They can be small things, such as coffee in the garden, a chat with a neighbour or a walk at lunchtime. Write them down. Making a list of all the good things in your life will help you to replace negative thinking with positivity and optimism and drive your cares away.

5. Visualise a relaxing place

Sit quietly where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and imagine a place where you've always felt the most relaxed and calm. It could be on a beach, in a forest or at a cosy fireside. Now visualise the details that you remember using all your senses: sound, sight, smell, taste and touch. For example, if you think of a comfortable, firelit room, you might imagine the scent of flowers, music softly playing, the taste of a cup of tea or a glass of wine, the feel of a soft cushion behind your back. The deeper and more detailed your visualisation, the more you'll relax.

6. Connect with nature

Research shows that spending time in nature is an effective way of calming down. When you're stressed, one of the easiest and most effective ways to relax is to go outside and connect with nature, even for just a few minutes. Look at trees and flowers, listen to the birds and feel the breeze on your face. And you don't always have to go outside to feel nature's soothing effects. Watching a TV programme about animals or gardening, or just looking at images of greenery on your screen can also help you de-stress.

7. Kids need to relax too!

Relaxation isn't just for adults; children and teenagers also feel stressed at times. If you think your child is tense and needs help to relax, teach them some of these strategies, or practise them together.

Make time to relax every day

Stress is inevitable in your life, but you don't have to let it get the better of you. Instead, take control and learn how to relax.

If you're still struggling to chill out, it might be time to look at the bigger picture and consider whether there are elements in your life that you need to change. Relaxation should be an integral part of your daily routine rather than a challenge!


Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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