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12 easy ways to get people to like you

12 easy ways to get people to like you

Have you ever noticed that some people are instantly likeable? Many people believe that people will only like you because of natural traits you're born with: good looks, talent and sociability. But this is a misconception. Getting people to like you is within your control, and it's all to do with self-belief, knowing yourself and being emotionally intelligent. Here's what to do to be more likeable:

1. Be yourself

If people can see you're honest and genuine, they'll like you. People like those they feel they can trust. It's a challenge to like anyone you think is hiding their true self. If people can see you aren't faking it and are comfortable with who you are, they'll gravitate towards you.

So just be yourself! To support your self-confidence, Bach Flower Mix 44 helps you to believe in yourself and be more comfortable in your skin. Concentrate on stuff that enthuses you and makes you happy. You'll come across as more attractive and likeable than if you try to be something you're not. And if you find that some people don't like the real you: too bad! You'll know that the people who matter like you for who you really are.

2. Talk more

Likeable people often chat away constantly. You never have to wonder what they're really thinking because they explain it in detail, and this puts everyone at ease. If you're an introvert, you may prefer to rely on emails and messages to express your thoughts rather than talking. But if you're not a great communicator, talking more is a skill you can develop.

3. Be a good listener

Talkers are often well-liked, it's true. But listening carefully is equally important. When you're in a conversation, talk, ask a question and then pause for an answer. When you show that you're genuinely curious to learn about someone or something, it makes you more likeable.

4. Ask for help or advice

People like it when you ask them for help or advice. Asking someone for their assistance will often make them like you more because they enjoy being able to provide the right answer.

5. Don't be a know-it-all

On the other hand, no-one likes a know-it-all. One of the reasons for this is that if someone gives the impression they know everything, they won't ever be asking for our help, and as mentioned above, people enjoy being helpful. Know-alls also have an arrogant attitude, and people don't like those who seem to have an unattractive sense of pride.

6. Help someone out with no strings attached

Think about the people you like best. Chances are, they're the ones who are always willing to help you out by fixing your IT problems or proofreading your essay when you're up against a deadline. But be wary: if people think you're being manipulative and helping just to support your own agenda, they'll know you're not genuine.

7. Care about others

Is it possible to develop a caring personality? Being altruistic doesn't always come easily, especially in the social media age where individualism seems to rule. You'll need to set aside your own goals and interests for a time and help others instead. But if you make a genuine effort to care about others, you'll find that people like you more.

8. Play it for laughs

It's hard to dislike someone who jokes about life and takes a lighthearted approach to problems. The most popular people are often those who can make people laugh. Witty banter might not be in your personality, but that doesn't matter. Just let people know that you can see the funny side of things, that you're a person who smiles often and laughs easily. You'll soon get people to like you.

9. Go with the flow

The most likeable people are often those who can lighten up, put aside their own problems and see the bigger picture. Setting too much store by your own concerns is essentially a selfish attitude. Those who selflessly go with the flow will be liked better.

10. Don't be too demanding

Well-liked people are often flexible and don't make too many demands. They'll listen to any genre of music, eat at any restaurant: they'll adjust to the preferences of others without making waves. Their easy-going attitude makes them more likeable. But it's a tricky one: if you take it too far, you'll be seen as a doormat!

11. Compliment other people

Talk about others in a positive way. There's a psychological phenomenon known as" spontaneous trait transference". People come to associate with your own personality words such as "friendly", "helpful" and "warm" that you used in a complimentary way. Researchers found that even when people knew that the person didn't possess the personality traits described, this effect still occurred.

12. Be honest about your weaknesses

While it's important not to play the victim, people will respond favourably if you admit that you're facing a challenge and offer helpful solutions to your challenges. People will spot your weaknesses anyway, and owning up to them will make them like you better.


Created by Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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12 easy ways to get people to like you

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12 easy ways to get people to like you

Have you ever noticed that some people are instantly likeable? Many people believe that people will only like you because of natural traits you're born with: good looks, talent and sociability. But this is a misconception. Getting people to like you is within your control, and it's all to do with self-belief, knowing yourself and being emotionally intelligent. Here's what to do to be more likeable:

1. Be yourself

If people can see you're honest and genuine, they'll like you. People like those they feel they can trust. It's a challenge to like anyone you think is hiding their true self. If people can see you aren't faking it and are comfortable with who you are, they'll gravitate towards you.

So just be yourself! To support your self-confidence, Bach Flower Mix 44 helps you to believe in yourself and be more comfortable in your skin. Concentrate on stuff that enthuses you and makes you happy. You'll come across as more attractive and likeable than if you try to be something you're not. And if you find that some people don't like the real you: too bad! You'll know that the people who matter like you for who you really are.

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2. Talk more

Likeable people often chat away constantly. You never have to wonder what they're really thinking because they explain it in detail, and this puts everyone at ease. If you're an introvert, you may prefer to rely on emails and messages to express your thoughts rather than talking. But if you're not a great communicator, talking more is a skill you can develop.

3. Be a good listener

Talkers are often well-liked, it's true. But listening carefully is equally important. When you're in a conversation, talk, ask a question and then pause for an answer. When you show that you're genuinely curious to learn about someone or something, it makes you more likeable.

4. Ask for help or advice

People like it when you ask them for help or advice. Asking someone for their assistance will often make them like you more because they enjoy being able to provide the right answer.

5. Don't be a know-it-all

On the other hand, no-one likes a know-it-all. One of the reasons for this is that if someone gives the impression they know everything, they won't ever be asking for our help, and as mentioned above, people enjoy being helpful. Know-alls also have an arrogant attitude, and people don't like those who seem to have an unattractive sense of pride.

6. Help someone out with no strings attached

Think about the people you like best. Chances are, they're the ones who are always willing to help you out by fixing your IT problems or proofreading your essay when you're up against a deadline. But be wary: if people think you're being manipulative and helping just to support your own agenda, they'll know you're not genuine.

7. Care about others

Is it possible to develop a caring personality? Being altruistic doesn't always come easily, especially in the social media age where individualism seems to rule. You'll need to set aside your own goals and interests for a time and help others instead. But if you make a genuine effort to care about others, you'll find that people like you more.

8. Play it for laughs

It's hard to dislike someone who jokes about life and takes a lighthearted approach to problems. The most popular people are often those who can make people laugh. Witty banter might not be in your personality, but that doesn't matter. Just let people know that you can see the funny side of things, that you're a person who smiles often and laughs easily. You'll soon get people to like you.

9. Go with the flow

The most likeable people are often those who can lighten up, put aside their own problems and see the bigger picture. Setting too much store by your own concerns is essentially a selfish attitude. Those who selflessly go with the flow will be liked better.

10. Don't be too demanding

Well-liked people are often flexible and don't make too many demands. They'll listen to any genre of music, eat at any restaurant: they'll adjust to the preferences of others without making waves. Their easy-going attitude makes them more likeable. But it's a tricky one: if you take it too far, you'll be seen as a doormat!

11. Compliment other people

Talk about others in a positive way. There's a psychological phenomenon known as" spontaneous trait transference". People come to associate with your own personality words such as "friendly", "helpful" and "warm" that you used in a complimentary way. Researchers found that even when people knew that the person didn't possess the personality traits described, this effect still occurred.

12. Be honest about your weaknesses

While it's important not to play the victim, people will respond favourably if you admit that you're facing a challenge and offer helpful solutions to your challenges. People will spot your weaknesses anyway, and owning up to them will make them like you better.


Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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Tom Vermeersch

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