Do you find that every Spring you feel that it is time to make a new start, to make a new you? This ‘spring-cleaning’ we all yearn for is deeply ingrained within all of us. For many thousands of years, mankind has locked itself away for the winter, and then at the first sign of warmer weather and a little sunshine, we creep out of our caves to greet the snowdrops and daffodils. We stand amazed as all around us our beautiful earth surges back to life. The birds sing, flowers and trees spring to life, animals procreate, and there is a sense of fresh purpose about everything.
Spring dawns in all of us, and you should harness the feeling - if you can - so that you can make improvements to your health and wellbeing and make a completely fresh start in areas where your life may be lacking.
Now is a good time to visit the gym or swimming pool. People who made New Years’ resolutions may have grown tired of their exercise regime and so you’ll find leisure centres are not so busy. You can also pick up DVDs and sports clothing in the sales now too.
This change from winter to spring, tends to be the time when many people suffer with cold and flu viruses. As far as possible boost your immune system by eating well, getting plenty of sleep and spending time outside. Drop the caffeine in favour of green teas, or even hot chocolate when it is still cold, and try and limit your intake of nicotine and alcohol as these can both repress your immune system.
In this day and age, you can get pretty much anything you want to eat, all year around. The thing is, seasonal vegetables that are grown locally and without chemicals will taste much better. Some supermarkets are beginning to stock only organic produce which is a huge step forward, but if you don’t have access to one of those, look for farmers’ markets in your area, or grow your own!
While you feel open to new ideas, you could consider a detox. There are all manner of helpful websites that can help you with this, but we recommend you try something light and easy. Perhaps detox for one or two days before you start on a new eating regime. In an ideal world, if you are really serious about making a fresh start, you will introduce your new diet at the same time as you fix other areas of your life, such as poor sleeping or exercise. Remember, slow and gentle is the way forward. Be in it for a long time!
Eliminate as much ‘bad food’ as possible from your diet, such as convenience and processed food, food that is wheat heavy, alcohol, caffeine and sugary food. Everything else should be eaten in moderation. Create fresh soups, stir fries and salads and eat with your eyes. Spring is about colour – so create salads using lettuce, peppers, beetroot and radishes. The more sumptuous something looks, the more you’ll enjoy it!
Do you need to detox your mind? If you’ve been having a stressful time of late, perhaps you want an emotional break. Listen to what your body is demanding. You may need more sleep for example, or more down time – just to read a book or listen to music. You may need to sort out some relationship woes, or perhaps you need to access some talking therapies to help you unravel more complex issues. Now is a good time to seek help and make a fresh start if that’s what you want.
Spring is a great time to sell. Many couples start looking for houses in the Spring, so you’ll see an upturn in house sales, and more rental property becoming available. If you’re looking for a complete change, now could be the time to do it. Everyone feels much more positive in the Spring, so you may achieve a better price if you’re selling now, than you would during the winter.
The same can be said for changing jobs. People feel restless after the winter and they begin to look for a new challenge elsewhere. This can free up jobs in your sector, and can mean a promotion or a complete move to a new position or company. Go for it! There’s never been a better time to upgrade your CV with relevant skills and get out there.
Irish playwright, George Bernard Shaw once said, "Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself." Spring offers you the energy and positivity to do just that, so jump in with both feet! Good luck!
Created by Tom Vermeersch
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
Can you accept things you can't change? Take our quiz!
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Do you find that every Spring you feel that it is time to make a new start, to make a new you? This ‘spring-cleaning’ we all yearn for is deeply ingrained within all of us. For many thousands of years, mankind has locked itself away for the winter, and then at the first sign of warmer weather and a little sunshine, we creep out of our caves to greet the snowdrops and daffodils. We stand amazed as all around us our beautiful earth surges back to life. The birds sing, flowers and trees spring to life, animals procreate, and there is a sense of fresh purpose about everything.
Spring dawns in all of us, and you should harness the feeling - if you can - so that you can make improvements to your health and wellbeing and make a completely fresh start in areas where your life may be lacking.
Now is a good time to visit the gym or swimming pool. People who made New Years’ resolutions may have grown tired of their exercise regime and so you’ll find leisure centres are not so busy. You can also pick up DVDs and sports clothing in the sales now too.
This change from winter to spring, tends to be the time when many people suffer with cold and flu viruses. As far as possible boost your immune system by eating well, getting plenty of sleep and spending time outside. Drop the caffeine in favour of green teas, or even hot chocolate when it is still cold, and try and limit your intake of nicotine and alcohol as these can both repress your immune system.
In this day and age, you can get pretty much anything you want to eat, all year around. The thing is, seasonal vegetables that are grown locally and without chemicals will taste much better. Some supermarkets are beginning to stock only organic produce which is a huge step forward, but if you don’t have access to one of those, look for farmers’ markets in your area, or grow your own!
While you feel open to new ideas, you could consider a detox. There are all manner of helpful websites that can help you with this, but we recommend you try something light and easy. Perhaps detox for one or two days before you start on a new eating regime. In an ideal world, if you are really serious about making a fresh start, you will introduce your new diet at the same time as you fix other areas of your life, such as poor sleeping or exercise. Remember, slow and gentle is the way forward. Be in it for a long time!
Eliminate as much ‘bad food’ as possible from your diet, such as convenience and processed food, food that is wheat heavy, alcohol, caffeine and sugary food. Everything else should be eaten in moderation. Create fresh soups, stir fries and salads and eat with your eyes. Spring is about colour – so create salads using lettuce, peppers, beetroot and radishes. The more sumptuous something looks, the more you’ll enjoy it!
Do you need to detox your mind? If you’ve been having a stressful time of late, perhaps you want an emotional break. Listen to what your body is demanding. You may need more sleep for example, or more down time – just to read a book or listen to music. You may need to sort out some relationship woes, or perhaps you need to access some talking therapies to help you unravel more complex issues. Now is a good time to seek help and make a fresh start if that’s what you want.
Spring is a great time to sell. Many couples start looking for houses in the Spring, so you’ll see an upturn in house sales, and more rental property becoming available. If you’re looking for a complete change, now could be the time to do it. Everyone feels much more positive in the Spring, so you may achieve a better price if you’re selling now, than you would during the winter.
The same can be said for changing jobs. People feel restless after the winter and they begin to look for a new challenge elsewhere. This can free up jobs in your sector, and can mean a promotion or a complete move to a new position or company. Go for it! There’s never been a better time to upgrade your CV with relevant skills and get out there.
Irish playwright, George Bernard Shaw once said, "Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself." Spring offers you the energy and positivity to do just that, so jump in with both feet! Good luck!
Your relationship ends, or you lose your job, and you get stuck in a rut of negative thoughts and suffering. How good are you at letting go of grudges and accepting that some things are beyond your control? Take our quiz to find out!
Read the complete articleWhat are your aims in life? Do you plan to be rich, to be a top footballer, to be a good parent, or to become Prime Minister? However efficiently you plan your life, sooner or later you are going to come up against obstacles to achieving your goals.
Nowadays, it can sometimes seem almost everyone has a mental health issue or learning disorder. But, are we too quick to label people, or is it that we are more aware of the problems? This article looks at some of the issues surrounding these sensitive questions.
We simply can’t avoid noticing the changes all around us. Autumn is here... Autumn is also called a transitional season. Slowly and steadily, it prepares us for the transition...
Read the complete articleCan we learn from our mistakes and develop a stronger, healthier emotional bondwith our kids? To help you identify your weak spots, we’ve rounded up some of the most common mistakes parents make.
Feeling blue? You're not alone! We all feel sad at times; it's a normal human emotion. Sometimes, it's clear to see what has triggered our depression. Common reasons for feeling sad include bereavement, the end of a relationship, losing your job or money problems. But it's not always so clearcut.
Lynn Anderson told it very nicely in her song “I beg your pardon; I never promised you a rose garden”. Life isn’t all roses and everybody experiences something they would rather not once in their life.
Read the complete articleFeel like you overthink too much? Having a hard time making decisions? Or feel like you don’t consider your options enough? Find out how to strike a balance.
Whether it's with a romantic partner or a housemate, there's no doubt that a relationship with a narcissist can be very challenging. But are there ways to cope better? Or is it better to leave the relationship?
You see the word "toxic" everywhere these days, but what does it really mean? You've almost certainly come across someone who fits the description. Dealing with difficult personalities can be challenging and emotionally exhausting, to say the least.
Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.