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Are you living with a hurricane?
Does your child have too much energy?
It can be incredibly trying as a parent to have a child who just never sits still, and frustrating too, if his or her behaviour affects others.
So how do you know whether the amount of energy your child has can be considered normal, or abnormal?
All children are agile and energetic, so what’s the difference? Take our test and find out.
The test is a little tongue in cheek, but if you recognise what’s at the heart of these challenges, you may be feeling overwhelmed.
The thing about an over-energetic child is that their over-exuberance can depend on a parent’s subjectivity. You may be happier with boisterous behaviour than your neighbour, for example. If you compare your child to their classmates, how do they fare? If your child’s behaviour is not causing stress or upset to themselves or to others, it may just be normal behaviour at this stage of their development. If you have your doubts you should discuss your child’s energy levels with a teacher or medical professional.
Created by Tom Vermeersch
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
7 Reasons Why Your Child is Underperforming
As parents, we often worry about a poor school report as much, if not more, as our kids do! And if your child's grades are slipping, you'll be looking for reasons and if there's anything you can do to help.
Top 5 nonsensical reasons to have doubts about yourself
It happens to everyone at times: we start doubting ourselves. We worry about the decisions and whether we can face future challenges that life has in store. And sometimes we feel that we just aren't good enough.
How to beat irrational anxieties
Irrational anxieties can seem overwhelming, affecting every aspect of your life. Learn how to beat your fears and worries and take back control.
Isn't depression just a fancy word for feeling a bit down?
Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety affect around 1 in 6 people at some stage of their life. Despite it being such a common problem, many sufferers wait months or even years before seeking help.
Nowadays, it can sometimes seem almost everyone has a mental health issue or learning disorder. But, are we too quick to label people, or is it that we are more aware of the problems? This article looks at some of the issues surrounding these sensitive questions.
Subtle signs your child is unhappy
According to figures from the World Health Organisation, more than 260 million people worldwide suffer from depression. And it's not only adults who are diagnosed with this illness. Children as young as three or four years old can experience depression.
Sometimes it’s hard to notice when we've become trapped in familiar routines. Take our quiz to find out if you’re stuck in a rut and what you can do about it.
Do you feel you're always doing the same things and not getting anywhere? It's common to feel stuck in a rut, treading water and just going through the motions.
12 easy ways to get people to like you
Have you ever noticed that some people are instantly likeable? Many people believe that people will only like you because of natural traits you're born with: good looks, talent and sociability. But this is a misconception. Getting people to like you is within your control, and it's all to do with self-belief, knowing yourself and being emotionally intelligent. Here's what to do to be more likeable.
Stop worrying and live in the moment
People spend so much of their time regretting the past and worrying about the future. But it’s not worth it! Even what happened yesterday doesn't matter anymore! Let go of the past and the future and make the most of every moment.
Are you living with a hurricane?
Does your child have too much energy?
It can be incredibly trying as a parent to have a child who just never sits still, and frustrating too, if his or her behaviour affects others.
So how do you know whether the amount of energy your child has can be considered normal, or abnormal?
All children are agile and energetic, so what’s the difference? Take our test and find out.
The test is a little tongue in cheek, but if you recognise what’s at the heart of these challenges, you may be feeling overwhelmed.
The thing about an over-energetic child is that their over-exuberance can depend on a parent’s subjectivity. You may be happier with boisterous behaviour than your neighbour, for example. If you compare your child to their classmates, how do they fare? If your child’s behaviour is not causing stress or upset to themselves or to others, it may just be normal behaviour at this stage of their development. If you have your doubts you should discuss your child’s energy levels with a teacher or medical professional.
As parents, we often worry about a poor school report as much, if not more, as our kids do! And if your child's grades are slipping, you'll be looking for reasons and if there's anything you can do to help.
It happens to everyone at times: we start doubting ourselves. We worry about the decisions and whether we can face future challenges that life has in store. And sometimes we feel that we just aren't good enough.
Irrational anxieties can seem overwhelming, affecting every aspect of your life. Learn how to beat your fears and worries and take back control.
Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety affect around 1 in 6 people at some stage of their life. Despite it being such a common problem, many sufferers wait months or even years before seeking help.
Nowadays, it can sometimes seem almost everyone has a mental health issue or learning disorder. But, are we too quick to label people, or is it that we are more aware of the problems? This article looks at some of the issues surrounding these sensitive questions.
According to figures from the World Health Organisation, more than 260 million people worldwide suffer from depression. And it's not only adults who are diagnosed with this illness. Children as young as three or four years old can experience depression.
Sometimes it’s hard to notice when we've become trapped in familiar routines. Take our quiz to find out if you’re stuck in a rut and what you can do about it.
Read the complete articleDo you feel you're always doing the same things and not getting anywhere? It's common to feel stuck in a rut, treading water and just going through the motions.
Have you ever noticed that some people are instantly likeable? Many people believe that people will only like you because of natural traits you're born with: good looks, talent and sociability. But this is a misconception. Getting people to like you is within your control, and it's all to do with self-belief, knowing yourself and being emotionally intelligent. Here's what to do to be more likeable.
People spend so much of their time regretting the past and worrying about the future. But it’s not worth it! Even what happened yesterday doesn't matter anymore! Let go of the past and the future and make the most of every moment.
Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.